Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kalendar 2010, Si- 10 Jelitawan

Yang mana satu anda suka..he he he..cantik2 nya lah mereka.

Ready, Set..!! Breakfast!

Eat your breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day! Saya selalu 'nag' my dotter to finish her breakfast and remind her on how important is the breakfast. I always have a thought that breakfast will help our kids to increase their abilities to learn. Thus, I have to cultivate my daughter in the habit of eating a nutritious breakfast each morning and they'll be on their way to a better day. Sooner, she will be going to school, so breakfast will help her to a better school day. TETAPI, my dotter is very picky eater.. She has tekak melayu. She doesnt like to have bread or cereal for breakfast. Susahnya..sbb kadang2 macam dah lambat nak pegi office, so bread or cereal is the best way. Errr, also the fastest way... So, cuba punya cuba, I tengok dia suka sangat cekodok. So, I prepare cekodok pediasure. I think it's complete meal sebab pediasure can help kids grow and pediatricians also recommend this. Ni la resepinya. Cuba lah TRY:
Cekodok Pediasure
Tepung gandum half cup
2 cedok pediasure
1 sudu besar oats (i pakai quaker oat)
2 ulas bawang di cincang halus
3 daun sup
1/2 kacang panjang (di hiris halus2)
sebijik telur

Campurkan semua bahan di atas dengan air satu cawan. Kacau.
Boleh la di goreng. Masuk kan bancuhan tepung tu ke dalam minyak pakai sudu. Kalau boleh guna smart balance oil, good for our health.
Ni sangat cepat utk disediakan. Paling lama 15 min termasuk membasuh balik semua peralatan. My dotter loves it sooo much. Mesti habis dia makan.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Healthy hair with Crowning Glory

Sejak melahirkan anak..rambut memang senang gugur.. Slalu i only tried shampoo or conditioner ke..This time around..my husband's friend suggested to us to try Crowning Glory. So, we bought it from Guardian..Hehe..nasib baik ada. So, termasuk hari ni..we've been eating Crowning Glory supplement for 3 days..

Ni la rupa Crowning Glory tu (pic taken from vitahealth nye website)
Mengikut katanya:
A supplement for strong, lustrous and healthy hair growth for men and women. VitaHealth Crowning Glory provides vitamin, minerals, phytonutrients and amino acids, which work synergistically to improve hair growth.

I think this product available at most of drug stores.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

3 years old art expression

My dotter loves drawing. I think all kids at this age love to draw kan. I am happy to see how she is able to produce pictorial drawing now. And, I also feel it's also like expressive art. Let's see her drawings on how she potrays her family or people, and sun.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

oh Hand Phone

Huhu.. saya tak boleh on my precious handphone..I think I have more than 100 photos of my lil’ princess there.. Pity me!..I don’t have backup at all..Now, I am using my husband’s spare phone. Please anyone out there..Please be generous towards me….please buy new phone for me..I cant buy new phone now..that’s not in my priority list… I need to save up money…My husband told me my hand phone has reached the age limit..lagi2 dengan keganasan saya mengunakan handphone..

Errr…I have outstanding task that need to be accomplished..I have to create a blog for my sister’s tudung. I have created before, but I have to re-invent . Sorry sis, I will try to find time to re-invent the blog. Accept my apologies? No? dosa tau…hidup kena saling memaafkan…

Monday, November 16, 2009


Resume my blogging xtvt..Al-kisahnya….saya mula tahu birthday saya bulan November masa saya 6 tahun. Masa tu bapa saya bawak saya pegi ke jabatan pendaftaran untuk repot kehilangan surat beranak. Officer di situ tanya bapa saya “apakah tarikh lahirnya”..lalu bapa saya cakap “16 hb November”. Sejak itulah saya tahu tarikh lahir saya. Saya rasa sungguh seronok bila saya dapat tengok surat beranak angkat sumpah saya. Seingat saya size surat beranak replacement itu besar. Akan tetapi, my mother used to tell me in actual fact saya ni lahir on May 6th. But, I don’t believe it till one day, I found pink colour card in old cupboard in the kitchen. Almari tu dah nazak sangat, ntah macammana tangan ni gatal nak bukak drawer tu. It’s written there “kad kesihatan klinik desa”. Then, I checked inside , I saw my name then I checked again. I saw 5/5 (Sakit Bersalin), 6/5(Bayi lahir 6:45 petang). Saya tak ingat umur saya berapa ketika itu. Rasanya 8 tahun kot. Dalam kad itu juga ada surat beranak asal saya yang bertarikh saya lahir pada 6th November. Lepas itu bila saya nak buat ic saya bila darjah 6, surat beranak saya yang bertarikh 16th November tu hilang, maka bapa saya menggunakan surat beranak yang asal bertarikh 6th November. Oleh kerana surat beranak itulah, maka mykad saya menyatakan birthday saya 6th November. Saya mengalami kesukaran untuk mendapatkan ic mahupun mykad, oleh kerana tarikh lahir yang berbeza.

Sekian kisahnya..Oh ye..Patutkah saya celebrate birthday saya in November jugak? Saya rasa patut, sebab itulah birthday saya yang tertulis di Jabatan pendaftaran Negara dan birthday itu jugalah yang saya gunakan untuk urusan2 rasmi seperti pekerjaan, insuran .etc. Sekian