Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Need and Want

I need:

1. A new handbag
2. A new baby (hahahah, is it a need or a want) I think a need.. hehehe but subjects to approval
3. A maid

I want:

1. A new car

Please please all items above come to me

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Child Psychology

I cant be sure what’s in the mind of my 3 year 4 month old daughter. I have started to work full day from office this month which means I have to leave her at her school for full day also. Morning , she will be attending school. And then, will be under daycare service till 6 pm. So far, she has been 4 days in the school. Tapi..start semalam she began …….
At 2:30, I received a phone call from the school cakap my daughter vomited the whole lunch that she has just eaten. Very panic, sbb she is asthmatic, it could be she has difficulty in breathing …The teacher keep on saying..”not need to worry, she is okay, I just want to alert you and to know whether she was okay before coming to school”....hmm..tell me, how not to worry..my daughter has asthma, vomit is just not a good sign..Thus, I rush to school……then I tengok she is okay, enjoying the storytime session. So, bawak lah dia balik…
But again, today at 3:00 pm, I received the same phone call from the school..my daughter muntah lagik..kenapa ye? I also dunno..she doesn’t like the food? Tapi tu semua macam makanan kegemaran dia..sup, nasi goreng,..hmm..or may be she is seeking attention..? Or, she expect I will come early if she vomits..like yesterday?
Huhuhu..but I still worried cuma rasanya hari ni, I will wait till 6 pm utk amik dia. Hopefully she will be okay…..separation is not easy..I cant concentrate on my work when I leave her under other people’s care. But, I need to work for $$$$ for our life also…dilemma sigh…

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mind your language

Salam..dah lama sgt tak update blog ni..lately I was very busy sbb work from home this whole month. Work from home means I have to work + take care of my dotter. Memang memenatkan. Rasanya pegi ke ofis lagik tak penat. Hehehe. Sbb while I am working, my dotter also buat 'kerja' dia..menyepahkan rumah..end up, end of the day, rumah macam kapal pecah. Hmm., may be I have to learn the smart way of working from home.
Anyway, I nak citer pasal words use in Astro Ceria channel program mainly kat translation program i.e fukuchan, hagemaru, etc, x lupa juga tom-tom bak. Sangat terkejut ayat2 yang digunakan dalam tu, contohnya macam "tak guna", "NKO ni (dengan nada kasar), Aku benci (dengan nada kasar dan menjerit), bongok, tungu". Sangat2 tak memberangsangkan untuk budak-budak tengok. My dotter just 3 years old, and she started using those words. Adooiii, I pening. For now, I block the channel. Hmmm..

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 resolutions

Dah datang pon 2010. Alhamdulillah bersyukur kepada Allah kerana umur masih panjang dan terus bernafas. Biasa la tahun baru, rasa bersemangat, dan harap-harap semangat ni kekal la sepanjang tahun.

Untuk 2010 ni saya berharap untuk:

1. Family yang sihat. No more frequent visit to hospital.
2. Bila semua family dah sihat. Maka berharap sangat dapat pergi holiday, yang dah berapa kali tertangguh sebab ada je urusan hospital.
3. Bekerja keras to gain more and more money
4. Harap sangat dapat kasik Cam adik tahun ni.

Tu saja impian saya pada tahun ni..skets kan..tapi klu pergi ke detail list memang la panjang…tapi itu la 4 perkara penting.

Happy 2010.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sayonara 2009

It's just toooo fast, today is the last day of 2009. Rasanya baru je start keje. Today, I see my system julian calendar as 109366. Huhu, it will change to 110001 tomorrow. Anyway, banyak sangat benda yang berlaku in 2009, January, start new job, February, my daughter was diagnosed ada congenital trigger thumb, was sooo busy in out hospital to confirm and to decide for the operation. Finally, in June, Cam went through operation successfully. The thumb can be used as per normal. Then, 2009 jugak busy ngan pindah rumah. hmm..but year end end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us, agree? Happy new year 2010.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

Every morning, my husband and I will try our best to have early coffee/breakfast together to start our day. Today, on our daily morning chat, my husband talked about healty living by laughter in our life. We are learning the philosophy of happy living..by living a stress free, happy and healthy. I remember, (once upon a time), I had 'conflict' with my mother in law during my pregnancy and it was prolong till about a year after the delivery. And, it was actually affected me a lot, and I went through such a long process of post natal blue. I was happy with the arrival of my new bundle of joy. But, my surroundings especially my mother in law made me soo deeply depressed. At one time I just cant see her face. I know, I was a bad daughter in law. And now, I regret it A LOT. Please dont do what I did. I win at no where, I lose at many where(s). And, the result were, the multi stress helped to damage my body and cause illness, not only to me but to my daughter as well. And,I admit I quarreled a lot with my husband also because of her. Alhamdulillah, somehow at one point, I slowly managed to accept and overcome all the situations (with the help from my husband of course). I learned to appreciate my mother in law more, I started to see things differently. I began to look at the positive aspects of her, and I started to accept or put aside the negative aspects. After all, I, myself is not a perfect human being. I learned to give her more, I learned to tolerate, I learned to love her and put more laughters to our life.

Let laugh to live!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Kesabaran ada hadnya. But, how when you deal with your kids? I really really dont like shouting or yelling at my daughter. But, at times, memang menguji kesabaran when dealing with my daughter. I think it’s normal for parents to get angry or frustrated from time to time. Anyway, it’s my goal to the world’s most patient mommy. Haha.

Whenever my daughter throws tantrums or she did massive mess or anything yang sangat-sangat menguji kesabaran, I will follow these below steps ; (mix tips from zenhabits as well)

1. Take your deep breaths and count to 10. To delay your angry temperature to blow out. And at times, I will tell to my daughter “Ok, I count to 10, 1..2..3..). Then, my daughter will quickly stop.
2. Pretends that my mother in law is watching me. Ha ha. When I think that my mother in law is watching me, I will automatically not to overreact or shout to my daughter. It works well for me. :)
3. Think about how a good mother will react. I always think about how patience is my mother. I will automatically change my behavior to be more positive.
4. Think about my daughter is just 3 years old. She is still learning. Thus, I have to be a good guidance. Find new ways to teach her.
5. Take a break from the situation. Leave her for less than 10 minutes. Calm down myself, think back and organize my words and tackle the situation back.